Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bride Wedding Speech - Which Kind Would Be Right For Me

By Felicity Porter
There are several reasons to give a bride wedding speech: To add to the occasion’s entertainment, to thank those who helped you make this wonderful day possible, to follow a tradition. Before you even start setting the first words of your wedding speech on paper, stop for a moment and think about your motives for giving bride wedding speeches. Not that you need a certain kind of motivation to write the right speech, but rather, your kind of motivation will flavor the kind of speech you will end up giving.

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If entertaining your audience is your main motive, you should go with a funny bride’s wedding speech. If you are funny and easily pull of jokes, this is a great way to make a lasting impression. Keep the speech short and to the point and lightly move from one funny anecdote to a wedding joke to the next hilarious moment from your past with your brand new husband. Just be careful not to overdo it and not to step on anyone’s toes. Funny stops being so if it hurts someone.

You are planning on giving a traditional brides wedding speech. Well, the tradition of the bride speech isn’t all that traditional yet. In days gone by the groom would give a speech for the both of them and brides usually wouldn’t give any kind of speech at their reception. But that’s a thing of the past. Nowadays plenty of brides prepare a speech for their wedding, which most of the time includes thanking everybody who helped make this day possible, and some personal thoughts and anecdotes of your relationship with your new husband.

Your main motivation is to thank everyone involved in your wedding? Then thankful bride wedding speeches would be your way to go. You’ll structure your speech around the list of people you’d like to thank. Make sure you include your husband, your parents and in-laws, the wedding party and (if the list doesn’t get too long) the people involved in organizing and executing all the details for your wedding. Weave in a funny anecdote or two that might have happened during the preparations, since it’s the little mishaps we often remember best about great celebrations and which add the special flavor.

You want to make sure you’ve got all your bases covered? Then the all-in-one brides wedding speech would be the right way to go. You will mention your husband, how smashing he looks, how much you love him and the special things about your relationship. You will also give thanks where it’s due, but keep it on the shorter side here. You will weave in a joke or funny anecdote here or there to keep the whole speech flowing lightly. And most importantly, you’ll speak straight from your heart and express how important this day is for you, especially since it’s the official starting point for your life-long relationship and happiness with your husband.

So whichever approach you choose, make sure it expresses you as a person and comes from your heart. No elegant and great words can express and show who you are as a few simple and sincere words that let people see who you are and what you think and feel. Keep it simple and fairly short (around 10 minutes should do fine) and enjoy yourself while giving the speech, that way everybody else will enjoy it too.

1 comment:

  1. Not all weddings have bride speeches, because traditionally only the loved ones of the bride; close friends, relatives and family give wedding speeches.
